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It all started with Mattie…

Mattie was Amy’s big brown dog years ago. When it was time for her to cross the rainbow bridge, Amy promised her she would always have a brown dog in her honor.


Enter Lila! Amy adopted her just in the nick of time from a high kill shelter just two days after Mattie passed. She is the oldest of Lemon Lane’s doggos and is 100% the alpha of the pack and lovingly keeps everyone in line. 



Goose is from East Nashville and is a lovely pit bull mix. She is the perfect example of how the “vicious pit bull” stigma is completely false. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of their people-pleasing personalities. In the early 1900s though, pit bulls were known as “Nanny Dogs” because of their watchful, loving, gentle, family-oriented nature! This is definitely the case for Goose. She always wants to be where the people are and is the goofiest, most playful dog you’ll meet.

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Diego (and Bugs!)

This summer we added Diego to the farm! Diego is a rescue from Colombia, South America. He is the perfect playmate for Goose because he can actually keep up with her. Lila is grateful for the break. Diego also came to the US with his friend Bugs. Bugs comes to the farm every other weekend for a visit and fits right in. Click here for their full story written by a family friend!